tisdag 3 december 2013

Magic - Trapped in love

040 Read, answer and discuss

1. Because she didn't wanted to be reminded about him. It would bring back to much memories.
2. a)
3. I think he was feeling some kind of regret, he was crying. I think he was really sad but at the same time he was feeling relief.
4. Because I think he was loving her too much, so she was feeling trapped. He trapped her in love.
5. The phone call upset him because she was talking flirty with the guy who was calling, and he thought he was the only guy she talked that way to.
6. I think she started to phone him again because she kind of misses him.
7. Yes, he is seeing someone. But he doesn't love her like he loved Maura, he only say that to protect himself.
8. I think he feels a bit sad, you can tell that he is missing her too. And that he can not really live without her either.
9. I don't really think that they will get back to seeing each other again. But you never know, they might will. But i kind of think they should, if he loves her and she loves him. They should get back together.
10. I don't know,  i've never been trapped in love. But I can guess it's like that, when you feel hat he is loving you too much, you don't get the space you need. And you feel trapped.

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