fredag 22 november 2013


Sort it out

1. When he was born, his Mom named him Forrest.
2. The his father died.
3. He went to an ordinary school for a year.
4. He was put in a school were some children needed help to eat and go to the toilet.
5. He grew six inches in six months.
6. A man in a car stopped him and asked him and asked him what his name was.
7. The man in the car and his Mom took him to a new high school.
8. He was now bigger and heavier than all the other boys in his school.

Read and answer

1. He began to play with the high school team.
2. He met Jenny Curran in the school café.
3. A few days later, the boys and his friends started pushing and hitting Forrest. Then they ran after him across the football field.
4. Someone was watching this. Who? Coach Fellers.
5. That afternoon he gave Forrest a ball to run with.
6. It took eight of them to pull him down.
7. When he played his first game, Forrest ran over the goal line two or three times.
8. After this, people were really kind to him.

We have discussed.

Check the words 

1. c)
2. e)
3. h)
4. j)
5. g)
6. a)
7. d)
8. i)
9. f)
10. b)

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