tisdag 11 mars 2014

engelska meningar - The Full Monty

I was browsing in a shop
up in the roof, theres a grider
come on now, quid!
There is a lassie in the class who likes a lad
I'm going to the city to buy me a new kit
omg, you are so daft...
I'm going to loose my pride
it's raining, I'm bloody soaking
I'm so cold I'm numd
I'm getting sole custody for my child
I don't wan't joint custody
I'm unemployed and i'm on the dole
She did a crime, so she ended up in court
The crime was nicking cars
ta for the present
cheers for the compliment
He plays in the orchestra, he's a bugle player
He is a quite short, tubby man
I don't like to play in front of an audience
I get embarrassed when i do that
oh bugger, I left the oven on
He is just an old nutter...
Piss of! I don't want to see you anymore
hi pal, how are you?
I never liked that gnome, throw it away, i don't want to see it in my garden
I really don't like to stand in a queue, it's so boring
She's not my type, she's just some tart
I didn't know he was a poof
Pal, I refuse to show my willy
I got a terrible hangover from yesterday
I'm buying a bra for my wife
Please, fill in the application
He is so obsolete, he refuse to try new stuff
I have to do what he says, he's my foreman
I'm really afraid of heights
I just need some brass right now
I have amazing skills, just watch and learn
I'm not up to it, you can't make me
It's not your business, don't give a toss!
I'm all in, i have been practicing all day
Oh it's nowt, you don't have to worry
I used to weld, but i lost my job
How does it feel? Are things looking up?
She has so much grace, I think I'm in love
Things are finally better, I feel relief
Obviously he don't like me anymore, I have no idea why
I have responsibility for my child
My dog is marvellous, i love her
I could really use a wishing well, i have bad luck in everything
He can't dance, he has a dodgy hip

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