fredag 6 december 2013

Notting Hill - the book

The book is about a man who lives in Notting Hill in London, he's name is William Thacker. He lives in a house with a blue door with his lodger, Spike. He owns a travel-bookshop down the street, not a very successful bookshop, but it works. He works with a very nice man who's called Martin, many people might think he's kind of weird, but he is a nice and a very caring man. One normal wednesday morning he went to the bookshop as every morning, but it shows out to be not a normal wednesday morning. In comes the famous film star Anna Scott! He gets quit nervous, she's so beautiful he thinks. Every man thinks that she's the most wonderful woman on earth. She buys a travel book about Turkey, and then she leaves. William gets sad, because he thinks that he will never see her again. But he will, a little bit later, he goes to the café down the street and buys a cup of orang juice. As he leaves the café and turns to his left, he bumps into a woman and he spill his orange juice all over her blouse. He tells the woman he's sorry and he starts to wipe of the juice on the blouse. He looks up, it's Anna Scott!
"What are you doing?" She says angrily. "Oh... I'm really sorry" William says. He said that she could come with him, to his house, just across the street. She follows him, trough the door and right upstairs and then in to the toilet and closes the door. It's a mess in the house, with old pizza, clothes everywhere and dirty dishes. He starts to clean up a little, and then he hear steps down the stairs. Anna Scott comes down with new clothes, a black top and a skirt. Now without her sunglasses, her eyes are deeply brown, very beautiful. He asks if she want something to drink or something to eat, she says no. She goes to the door, say goodbye, and then shut the door and leaves. William gets quit sad again, because he thinks that he will never see her again. But then, suddenly, the doorbell rings. He opens the door, and there is Anna Scott, again! "You forgot something?" He asks. "My book" She replies. William ran into the kitchen, and returns with the bag of books. "Thank you" Anna said. And then Spike comes in, walking right past them. "Oh William, I have something to say! You are never going to believe me" William doesn't think about Spike, all he can think of is Anna Scott, standing in his doorway. She says goodbye again, but this time, she kisses him. He can feel the softness of her skin, he can feel the smell of her hair. Then she lightly touches his hand, and the leaves. On the evening, William and Spike watches some movies. Starring, Anna Scott. Then the feeling of sadness hits him again, "I'm never ever going to see Anna Scott again" He thinks

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