tisdag 28 januari 2014

Breathe - A Ghost Story

The book is about a group of ghosts, living in an old house. There was the Ghost children, and then the Ghost mother. Four young children, Oliver, Charlie, Ann and Gwyneth. They were all living so lonely, invisible, and stuck in that old house. One day there comes a car, and all the four children were so interested if it was a boy or a girl. Gwyneth, the youngest one, hoped for a girl. But it was not a girl, it was a young boy and his mother. Charlie was thrilled about it. The boy and his mother came with moving boxes and other things, the Ghost children knew they were moving in. The boy, who's called Jack and the mother, who's called Sarah were looking trough the rooms, and then they came too Jack's room. It was a small room, but he liked it. The house was so very old, Jack liked old things. Like old furniture and old architecture. He loved the house. But there was one thing about Jack, he had an special gift. He could see ghosts, and he knew... He knew, there were a lot of ghosts in that house.
They go on living a normal life, he and his mother. Jack's dad had died some years ago, and since then he has been acting weird. His mother is worried about him, when he says that he can see ghosts. But there is nothing she can do. Even in this house he can see ghosts, he can see the ghost mother, a woman who has been living there for a long long time. And he is starting to get to know her.

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