fredag 24 januari 2014

Magic - Nelson Mandela

064 Read and answer

1. year 1990.
2. In his seventies.
3. A crowd of thousands, television cameras, reporters and photographers from all around the world.
4. His wife Winnie.
5. He talked to Afrikaners in the government and to white people and black people.
6. That everyone, black and white, young and old, men and women, could work and play as equals.
7. F.W. De Klerk, he was worried about that white people would not be welcome if black people took over the government.
8. Nelson became the President of South Africa.
9. He became Nelson's deputy and they ruled together.
10. The "rainbow" nation.

065 Discuss

I think he is a people person, he get along so good with all mankind. Or at least that's what you think when you hear the things people have to say about him. He think that every man is equal, and treats everyone the same.

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