tisdag 10 februari 2015

Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump is about a boy who had a crocked spine, and a lack of intelligence. The movie is about Forrest, and all the things that happens along his eventful life. Under his time of living, he did a lot of things. Most of them quite spontaneous, like he says himself, "life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get". I think that the meaning of that is that you never know what's going to happen, you never know what you're gonna get or what things you might face.

So, the things Forrest did. Let's start with when he first realized that he could run: Forrest was a young boy, quite bullied. He had only one friend, Jenny. One day three boys in his age started to chase him, and Forrest ran. Jenny told him, "run Forrest, run", and he did. He ran so his rails supporting his legs fell of, and he continued running. One day, when he was just a little bit older, boys started chasing him again. This time, with a car. Once again, Forrest started running, as fast as he could. And after that a lot of things developed. He started playing for the collage football team, and he did really good. He became a big star, and he got to meet the president. After that he joined the army, and got sent to Vietnam. When he got home he got a medal for the job he had done, he also met a friend called Bubba. After that Forrest invested in a shrimping boat with lieutenant Dan, because he promised Bubba that, who also died in Vietnam. When he was out on the boat with Dan, they got a phone call. His mom was sick, she was dying. So, Forrest returned home. His mom died, and after that Forrest just stayed home.

One day, the love of his life, Jenny, came home to stay with Forrest. Forrest was so happy, until the day she left. And then, Forrest started to run. He ran across the hole federal state, in others words, hole Alabama. Jenny then saw Forrest on tv and after just a few days he got a letter, from Jenny. She wanted him to come see her, so he did. And he found out that Jenny was pregnant, and can you guess who the father was? Yes, it was Forrest. And she named the son after his dad. Jenny and Forrest moved in with Forrest in his big house and after just a few months or maybe years, Jenny got sick. She died, and in the end there was only Forrest and Forrest left. But they did good, and they lived happily ever after...

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