tisdag 10 mars 2015

Young and Free

1. Where does Lynn com from?
D) The United Kingdom

2. What different things is Lynn doing in Sweden at the moment?
- She is studying and working at a restaurant.

3. What are her plans for the summer and for the next few years?
- In the summer she is going to return to Great Britain and resume her studies at the college she is going to, and within the next two years she would like to graduate and gain her degree in Scandinavian Studies.

4. What does she say about her knowledge of Swedish?
- Her ability to speak in Swedish has improved rapidly in the past six months.

5. Why does Lynn think Swedish people find it a bit strange that she went to Sweden?
- Because it's not a very big country and not many people speak the Swedish language, that's why Swedish people can find it strange that a foreign girl finds it interesting with the Swedish language.

6. What was Lynn's main reason for becoming an exchange student in 2005?
- She was bored and felt like she needed a break.

7. What differences did Lynn find between a typical Swedish school and a typical Scottish one?
- In Scotland you start school at the age of five, you wear school uniforms and you have to call the teacher "Miss" or "Mr". Lynn thinks that in Sweden the teacher is more like a "friend" to the student and that the teacher have more respect for the student, when it maybe should be the other way around. The student should have more respect for the teacher.

8. How does Lynn describe the economic situation of most Scottish teenagers?
C) They learn quite early to take responsibility for their own expenses.

9. What is Lynn’s opinion about teenagers making money? Why does she think so?
- She thinks it's good for teenagers to learn the value of money, and also making their own money. And she also thinks it gives you the freedom to go out and buy whatever you want, without having to fell bad about it.

10. What do we know about Lynn’s mother?
A) She settled down quite early.

11. Lynn wants to complete her studies and spend time with her friends. What other ambitions does she have for the next few years?
- She wants to go to a theatre school, she loves the feeling of standing up on stage and giving the audience pleasure.

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