fredag 29 november 2013

Magic - Notting Hill

026 Read and match up

1. d)
2. i)
3. n)
4. h)
5. m)
6. c)
7. j)
8. f)
9. l)
10. a)
11. e)
12. o)
13. b)
14. g)
15. k)

027 Find the translations

1. Will they find love together?
2. She was a beautiful young women with long, black hair.
3. The thief started walking slowly towards the door.
4. Would you like my phone number?
5. My mother doesn't always remember my name.
6. I'm feeling lucky!

028 Discuss

1. Yes I have, I think it's a good film. One of my favourites! I like the scene when they are walking in the garden, I think it's my favourite. It's really romantic!

029 Check the words

a) 9
b) 7
c) 1
d) 6
e) 10
f) 3
g) 5
h) 2
i) 4
j) 8

1 - försvinna
2 - dörröppning
3 - uppspelt
4 - cyklop
5 - omedelbart
6 - mima
7 - artigt
8 - föredrar
9 - snorkling
10 - obekvämt

030 Listen and answer

1. true
2. false
3. true
4. true
5. false
6. false
7. false
8. true
9. false
10. true
11. true
12. true
13. true
14. false
15. true

032 Writing

William was late as usual, he couldn't find he's glasses. He was going to the cinema with Anna, and he didn't find he's glasses, he had to take he's goggles. But right after William leaves his lodger Spike found them. After the movie they go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant, they had order a table for two. As they sat down and talked, they could hear a loud conversation at the table next to them. There was a group of men, talking about Anna's last movie. They all agreed that they didn't liked it, and they were talking bad about her. William walked over to the table and told them of, that this is not a good way to talk about a person. The men didn't care about what William said, and they continued talking about her. As Anna and William were leaving, Anna turned and walked right back to the table were the men sat. She said "I'm sure it was all just friendly talk and you didn't mean anything, and you can't help being stupid. Enjoy your meal, the fish is very good". Then she returned back to William, still smiling. At the way home Anna was feeling regret and she said that she didn't know what she was doing, or what they were doing. They stopped by the entrance at Ritz hotel and she asked if he would like to come inside to her room, he said.
- There seem to be a lot of reasons I shouldn't.
- There is, she said. But would you like to come inside?
- Give me five minutes, he said.
Anna walked in to the hotel, and soon William walked inside to. He knocked on the door to her hotel room, she opened, and he kissed her. Anna seemed to be quit worried, she said.
- My boyfriend is in the next room. I didn't think he was coming so soon.
At the next minute her boyfriend was standing behind her back.
- Who is it? He asked.
It was Jeff, a famous film star. William thought quickly
- Eh... Room service, he said.
- How are you doing? I thought you people always wore suits, Jeff said
- Well... Yes, but I've just changed. I'm going home, this is my last call, William answered.
- Oh great, can I have some rally cold water up here? Jeff asked.
- I'll see what I can do.
-And maybe you can clear thees dirty plates while you're here, Jeff said.
William picked up the dirty plates.
- Really, don't do that, Anna said. I'm sure that's not his job, she told Jeff.
- Is there a problem? Jeff asked William.
- No no, it's fine, William said.
- What's you're name? Jeff asked.
- It's Bernie, William answered.
- Well, thank you Bernie. Jeff said as he was pushing five pounds into Williams hand.
And the Jeff turned to Anna, and he kissed her. Jeff left the room.
- I think I should leave, this is all very strange, William said.
- I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say.
- I think goodbye is probably the right word, William said.
William walked downstairs, he had his heart broken, and he was feeling sad.

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