tisdag 14 oktober 2014

Film - Louder Than Words

0:00 - 16:49
What I have seen so far is that the film is about a family, a very loving family. They are living a normal life somewhere in America, but one day something out of the ordinary happens. The youngest child, Maria, wakes up in the middle of the night with extreme headache. The worst headache she has ever felt. So they drive to the hospital, and after some hours they can tell that she possibly has rabies. 

To be continued... 

16:49 - 41:00
So they found out that Maria actually do have rabies, and that they will have to put an end to her life. So they shut of all the machines that makes her alive, and now she's gone. And for a long time the family is in some kind of depression, Maria's siblings leaves for school and her parents keeps on working. But one day, the father goes in to Maria's room and reads her diary. He reeds it all, but he keeps something in his memory. Maria's dream was for the kids all over the world to be well and healthy, so her father starts thinking. Maybe he is going to built a children's hospital? I guess I'll find out next time..

To be continued...

41:00 - 1:31
Denna lektionen ska jag kolla ungefär 20 minuter på filmen och sen skriva en sammanfattning
The project of building a Children's hospital is now in action, but they encounter some problems. Some economy problems, the government's approval, and also some problems within the family. At first, John (the father), is very quiet and don't talk to his family much about his project. The mother and his other children gets enough. The mother, Johns wife, gets some kind of breakdown and it makes John realize that he have to make time to his family to. So his wife starts to get involved in the project to, she starts to do some fundraising with Bruce, a man who helps them with the project. They also invite the other children home, except Steph. She i somewhere with her so called boyfriend, and the rest of the family has no idea how she is. Anyway, during the dinner the family starts fighting. Their son keeps telling them that building a hospital is not going to help John getting over Maria's death, and that's all I've seen this time.

To be continued...

For homework I'm going to se about 20 minutes of the film, and then write a summary.

1:31 - 1:50

They have solved the economy problems, and now the only thing is to push it trough the government. And solve some family problems... John starts to make time to his family, and it's good for them. They start to find back to each other, and they become a loving family again. Now the only thing is for the government to accept their project, and finally they do. So the building can start  

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